Student Spotlight

Principal’s Honor Roll Breakfast

Sponsored by the St. Hilda's Alumnae Association (Florida Chapter), this event was held on May 30, 2019, at the Cardiff Hotel & Spa to honor high-performing students.

Alumnae Spotlight

(Class of 1970)
Director of Community Outreach and Program Services Habitat for Humanity

Marcia Barry-Smith


Our Alumnae recognizes and congratulates Marcia as an influential Community Advocate with numerous accomplishments.

Before joining Habitat for Humanity of Broward in October 2016, she served as Bank Atlantic Senior Vice President and has over 25 years experience in banking. Educated at the University of Toronto, majoring in Sociology, she is highly regarded in the national arena as an expert in community development.

Until November 1, 2013, she served as a Trustee and Executive Director managing the BBX Capital Foundation. Barry-Smith’s nationally acclaimed Homeless to Homeowner (H2H) Club program has placed hundreds of formerly homeless families into homeownership, empowering them to reach for independence and financial fitness. She lends her voice to speak out against social injustices especially domestic violence and the plight of youth aging out of foster care.

In her current role as Habitat’s Director of Community Outreach and Program Services, she works to develop innovative opportunities for Habitat Families who aspire to become homeowners. She collaborates with local private and public entities and service providers, to create revitalization in the Habitat Neighborhoods.

Barry-Smith was honored by the Broward County Commissioners who named November 1, 2013 as ‘Marcia Barry-Smith Day’. In 2017, she was also honored by the United Nations local committee and her road to success is again the subject of even more accolades as she receives the Lauderhill Regional Chamber of Commerce 2018 Women of Distinction Award in March. She serves on numerous Boards including the Broward County Housing Council and Chairs the Lauderhill Local Affordable Housing Committee.